Nature Pusuk Buhit Naidoo

Pusuk Buhit ( central hills ) is the name of one of the peaks on the western edge of Lake Toba . In Batak mythology , the peak was as a "birth " of the tribe . So Mount Pusuk Buhit regarded as a mountain sacred to the Batak people .
The mountain is not visible from Tomok or Ambarita because it was blocked by the island. The best place to see Mount Pusuk Buhit in the Tower of View Tele . Travelers can carry out tourism activities in this mountain as popular as a climbing destination . For those of you who do not want to make the climb , you can visit some of the attractions are believed to be the origin of the Batak tribe like Stone Sawan , Aek Sipitu Dai , Stone Hobon , and Sopo Teacher Tatea Month .

Mount Pusuk Buhit is one active volcano which is the remainder of the eruption of Mount Toba erupted earthshaking tens of thousands of years ago . Residual activity of the mountain seen in the trace Aek Rengat , the hot springs at the foot of the mountain Pusuk BuhitBehind the beauty of this mountain , stored dangers contained in it when Mount Pusuk Buhit to erupt .

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