If you are one of those who like nature or a nature lover , you certainly have vacation time you plan to vacation in nature with a nuanced traveled nature such as mountains , lakes , hills , and so forth .
If you are also want to go on vacation and spend your holiday time in nature , it would not hurt if you tried it on holiday or one of the natural attractions that exist in the area of Ciwidey Bandung . his name is Ranca Upas , an existing Campgrounds in Ciwidey and widely used for camping or doing other activities that nuanced nature .

In addition to camping , Ranca Upas is also often used to be a place of recreation with friends or with family friends who also like a cool, airy and beautiful . located not far from the main gate of the White crater Ciwidey and before going to Bali Ranca Tea Plantation .
Caravan Ranca Upas has an area of about 215 ha , and many natural attractions that you can enjoy the cool air that is between 18-23 degrees Celsius with a blend of beautiful green natural scenery around it .
The Upas ranch also has a very vast forest also has a variety of flora like Puspa , Jamuju , Guard , Kitambang , Kihujan , Hamirung , Kurai , and Replace . In addition to flora , fauna of various types can also be found here such as doves , crows , eagles monkeys , and tigers . Here also you can see the deer that exist in the local breeding that has an area of about 4-5 hectares are the main attraction for visitors .
If you berkunjungi to Ranca Upas also , do not forget to bring a camera to capture the beautiful objects objects that are here and to shoot beautiful panorama panoramas that are here also with the people closest to you and your friends.
Vacationing with spending time in Ranca Upas will not make you bored and tired , it will give you an interesting and enjoyable experience at the same time will provide a memorable experience and different from your previous experiences holiday experience that you might normally spend on the beach , entertainment places , shopping , and so forth . So , what are you waiting for to enjoy the beauty of nature in this Ciwidey ?
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