Cultural tourism in Bali

What is interesting from Bali than beaches and exotic beaches are very beautiful ? Lots. Slaah them was a parade of ogoh -ogoh , namely Bhuta Kala performances were shown a creature with a very large and very frightening .Ogoh-ogoh parade is held every evening before the Nyepi heart . Parade of ogoh - ogoh parade with more details is carrying a large sculpture made ​​looks great and very scary . The big doll of Bhuta Kala picture .The name itself has a meaning Bhuta Kala Bhut which means big , and Kala , which means time . The perfect time to see the show ogoh-ogoh parade this afternoon because it was held the afternoon of Nyepi explained .Ogoh - ogoh itself is very big and carried by some people of course will make the roads become jammed . so , you should use a motorcycle as a means of transportation to facilitate your trip . after ogoh-ogoh is completed , continued to hold Nyepi .NyepiYes , Nyepi is a Hindu feast is celebrated with 4 restrictions that must to be done by Hindus ie abstinence Amati Geni or start a fire , then Observe work or stop the work activity , and abstinence Observe Lelanguan or entertain yourself / stop pleasure , and Observe lelungan of abstinence traveling .With four mandatory restrictions made ​​by the Balinese Hindu community during Nyepi , the atmosphere that occur there really remarkable . Atmosphere that you will not get anywhere . Deserted , quiet , quiet , dark , very beautiful chime silence and peace making extraordinary , can be called very rarely do we feel. you can enjoy Nyepi day at the hotel in the middle of the city and feel the difference is very significant .In addition , the price of the hotel can also be relatively inexpensive . As a result , the holding of Nyepi , reaching 20,000 tons of emissions reduced each Nyepi successfully held . The activists also propose to the UN Bali Nyepi celebration also performed around the world , not only in Bali just as the World Silent Day . Because it proved a huge benefit to the earth which is to reduce emissions and the ' rest ' of various activities and reduce electricity usage reduction . Besides ogoh- ogoh and Nyepi , Bali's many traditions that we need to know .

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