Komodo Island Nusa Tenggara

Where was the tourist attractions that you can see a herd of dragons who live spread almost in every corner of the island ? That is only on the island of Komodo , Flores and the western part of the island of Sumbawa which has a natural beauty that is very beautiful .
The island has also been used as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1991 . What are the privileges of the Komodo island ? in these attractions , you can see the largest reptiles , Komodo spread freely in the region . length that can reach up to 3 meters and can weigh up to 90 kg to a distinctive feature of the island which has become a habitat for the endangered Komodo can this . you can see the various activities of Komodo such as how they eat , how they walk , and so forth .
In addition , they also often prey on them as food for wild boar , deer , and even dragons that are also called Ora in Manggarai language is often prey on wild horses . However , attacks on humans are rare . Young Komodo dragons also can even climb trees , but adult dragons can no longer climb the tree because it was too heavy memopong a very large body .

In addition to the activities of a herd of dragons see this , we could also visited the beauty of the other corner of the island of Flores as a very beautiful beaches , as well as tourist travel savanna very amazing and rarely even there in the cities that we live normally , in addition, natural scenery is also very fascinating underwater . We can perform a variety of holiday activities and enjoy the natural beauty such as snorkeling and diving to enjoy the beauty of the underwater life of various fish fauna cantika gorgeous and beautiful , as well as various coral reefs are very beautiful and amazing , then we can also canoe , enjoying the natural beauty that we walk on , itâ can also do canoeing , and fishing . A lot of things we can do in the islands for a vacation and forget the bustle of the city and our daily activities for a moment that usually makes us tired and prone to stress .
Here also we can observe the animals by means of hiking and camping that will make our minds refreshed and relaxed after some time being close to nature and enjoy the stunning natural beauty that we can not get or can not we enjoy in the city .

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